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The real stories behind the development of our products

Bandage Classic

Unfortunately, injuries are sometimes part of equestrian sports.
Even in these situations, the Vetoflex bandage can help. Compression and icing will significantly support the healing process. In the pictures you can see the leg of the 5-year-old Hanoverian gelding Ciroc Cellestian after an acute tendon injury. The use of compression therapy significantly accelerated the healing process in the acute phase. Now the horse enjoys a six-month regeneration on the pasture.

pouziti bandaze pri poraneni slachy kone

January 2023 - swelling of the horse's injured tendon before using the VETOFLEX bandage

šlacha koně po použití bandáže

February 2023 - the condition of the horse's tendon swelling after 2 weeks of using the VETOFLEX bandage


vetoflex uz slachy kone

Sono image of a horse's injured tendon


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